Why You Should Contact An XPEL Paint Protection Film Installer

When you purchase a new vehicle PPFs are often a required dealer extra. They come as part of dealer-specific automotive packages that can include distinctive paint stripes and other functional or decorative finishes. However, if you’ve purchased your auto used or have recently had it repainted, this is an addition you definitely want to invest in yourself. At Vega Tinting, we’re committed to helping our customers make informed and highly beneficial decisions concerning their automobiles. That’s why we’re sharing several reasons to contact an XPEL paint protection film installer.

Whether you spend a lot of time driving in backroads areas or on dirty, dusty streets that are near construction zones or filled with traffic, these coatings can keep your vehicle protected against minor aesthetic blemishes. This way, its finish will remain pristine no matter how hard or far you drive your automobile. Things like rocks, pebbles, and other flying debris won’t leave nicks, scratches, or minor damages behind.

Automotive PPF can be especially helpful during the winter. This is all the more true if you drive through any region that gets slush, snow, or ice-coated streets. The de-icing agents that most municipalities use can be incredibly corrosive. When these films are installed, coatings of road salt and brine won’t cause corrosion and excess wear at the under-body.

This is a great way to keep your vehicle looking like it just rolled off the assembly line without having to constantly wash, wax, and polish it. When we install your automotive PPF, we’ll give you detailed care instructions. If you’re looking to maintain the value and aesthetic appeal of your auto over the long-term, these installations are the best way to do it.

We are well-known for providing expert PPF installation in Delight MD. We have a number of affordable and high-performing products for our customers to choose from. These systems are great for protecting brand new cars and for making used cars look like they cost a fortune. Call us today to schedule an appointment for service or to get additional information.